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Main Channel:
#thewafflehouse@irc.irchighway.net Blogs: Floating_Sakura . raxiv . velocity7 . |
Pani Poni volume 2 chapter 25
March 25, 2008 - by coriolis Yes, a release, zomg! :) They're coming, patience....:p Hope everyone had a fun Easter weekend, now the time has come where exams, finals and reports/essays are due. Goodluck to all, and pray for me =P Catchup
March 22nd, 2008 - by velocity7 What, no one's updated this site for two months? orz First things first. CLANNAD movie work progressing, but slowly. Movies are not something I want to prioritize highly compared to TV broadcasts. If you can promise me a high GPA (3+) on all my courses though, I'd gladly work on the movie much more. :) Secondly, CLANNAD TV episode 22 aired and is done! There's still another extra episode that airs next week before it all finishes, however. There are rumors running of another Haruhi season airing right after, followed by CLANNAD second season. No doubt we will do second season, but as for Haruhi, don't expect me to take on the project without another translator. I need another one that's:
Pani Poni volume 2 chapter 24
January 27th, 2008 - by coriolis I'm still alive.....we're still....kinda alive :o Unfortunately, been busy with work and school, and of course my laptop had to die, and instead of paying $800 for the motherboard repair, I built myself a desktop. Ah well. Enjoy this release, I have a few chapters ready to be edited, yay :) He'll soon come...
December 7, 2007 - by velocity7 Taking with him the phenonemon of a million... Taking with him the demise of a million... Taking with him the revenge of a million... In order to carry out his duty. We proudly announce a movie joint with Sprocket Hole Subs and Aquastar Anime. :) You may watch the fansubbed trailer at the tracker here CLANNAD TV #03 (PAS)
October 19, 2007 - by velocity7 The usual as always. Funny episode, I'll give it that! Grab at Scarywater! CLANNAD TV #02 (PAS)
October 12, 2007 - by velocity7 CLANNAD #02 up! Grab at Scarywater! CLANNAD Movie Announcement
October 6, 2007 - velocity7 We're announcing a joint between TheWaffleHouse, Aquastar Anime, and Sprocket Hole Subs for the movie. Not much else to say other than, let's hope for the best! Please don't forget to check on the game translation project; it's still chugging along! CLANNAD TV #01 (PAS)
October 5, 2007 - quote-posted from IJ by velocity7 With great pleasure, we offer you CLANNAD ep 1 4:3 as shown by TBS (Japanese terrestrial station). You can either pick it up at the usual spot at Scarywater or from the bot that’s hanging in our channel, #sprocket-hole on irc.rizon.net. (it's also on our IRC channel now, just quote !clannad for xdcc link! --velocity7) Enjoy! CLANNAD Promo Snipe #02
September 27, 2007 - posted by velocity7 Last year was Kanon 2006... this year is CLANNAD! Please grab from the tracker, or visit our IRC channel and get the direct torrent link there! :) Also, please don't forget to support the CLANNAD Game Translation Project! Pani Poni Double header
September 21, 2007 - posted by coriolis Alright! More Pani Poni! It's all thanks to Achr and him not paying attention to this lectures! Way to go, props! =P There's more Inugami in c22 and yaoi tension, oh la la~ :D In c23, we find out how Akane Serizawa REALLY looks like......cause I don't think we ever did yet! And Himeko, Himeko, Himeko....look behind your back, someones after you!! Unfortunately, our bot, Rui is still down. Chapter 21 is on the site for http DLL, c22 and c23 can be found by doing a !pp in our channel #thewafflehouse @ irc.irchighway.net or EBL's site(www.eternalbunnylove.com) or IRC channel on the same server as us, #eternalbunnylove Pani Poni Bashes!!
September 14, 2007 - posted by coriolis Hai! It's another chapter of Pani Poni! We're close to the end of volume two, only a few dozen more volumes to go~! My favourite character, a very special character is making her appearance, finally! Anyways, our bot, Rui is still down. Chapter 20 is on the site for http DLL, c21 can be found by doing a !pp21 in our channel #thewafflehouse @ irc.irchighway.net or EBL's site(www.eternalbunnylove.com) or IRC channel on the same server as us, #eternalbunnylove Pani Poni Rashes?!
August 28 2007 - posted by coriolis About damn time eh? Blame Achr ;) But c20 is a pretty decent chapter, this time its a whole FOURTEEN PAGES! FOURTEEN! WOW! =__= Anyways, be sure to check out our upcoming PP releases, it'll be fun with a very special character making her appearance :) Oh, and I'm quite disappointed we didn't get far on Mousou Shoujo before it got licensed, but as Floaty said, I'm sure they'll release it faster then out snail-like pace. Ah well. Here's something in chapter one for those who want to look forward to MB releasing MS! Here: Click Me! Droppidy Drop Drop Drop! August 23 2007 - posted by Floating_Sakura I'm taking a long summer vacation, visiting my family and partying in Hong Kong, swimming in beaches in Thailand, so I haven't had much chance to catch up with manga news and recent licenses. As some of you may already know, .Hack//GU+ and .Hack//XXXX has been licensed by Tokyopop. We are happy to inform you that many of our other projects have also been licensed (which means they'll be dropped). Here is the list: I know this is good news to most of you since I'm sure the publishers will release much faster than we can. For those of you who enjoy reading any of the licensed titles, please support the author and purchase a copy. All the download links will be removed in the next week or so when I have the time to. Also, the other .Hack titles (.Hack//4koma and .Hack//GnU) will also be dropped due to lost of interest in the staff. Pani Poni-ness~! July 14 2007 - posted by coriolis With Achr back, and...somewhat translating, we have a chapter of Pani Poni up!In the meantime, Nazo from EBL will be QC'ing for PP while j3llo is on her vacation, lucky wiggly girl :p Well, the next few chapters will be awesome, as a special character who holds a special place in all our hearts(maybe?) will appear! Look forward to it! Happy 4th of July July 4 2007 - posted by Floating_Sakura I heard it's some holiday down south, so I decided to release something. :p I know it took us a long time to release a volume, but now that we have a translator on it, we can probably release faster (??) Well, we'll see. ^^ The Last Piece of the Fairy World... July 1 2007 - posted by Floating_Sakura Happy Canada's Day In celebration to the 140th anniversary of our beautiful country, we decide to release the last chapter of Fairy Cube and show you the final piece of this beautiful fairy land. I would like to thank you Maris and Estan for doing such an execllent job on this title. For the love and support of Yuki Kaori sensei, please buy the series when it gets licensed. Also, we will be releasing the side story, Psycho Knocker in the near future. Psycho Knocker gives us a peek to Isaiah's life after the ending of Fairy Cube, so look forward to that! CLANNAD TV Translator MIA July 1 2007 - posted by velocity7 Which means if I can’t get a translator by the time it starts airing, I won’t be able to fansub the series. Anyone out there who can manage? Only needs to be a purely translated script; no timing, typesetting or any of that needed whatsoever. Preferably, be able to translate the script sometime within the 24 hours of the episode airing. Everything else will be handled. Thanks to anyone who can answer the rollcall! You can leave comments on this topic at my blog. Wtf on a stick? More Chinatsu? June 24 2007 - posted by Stmated Right. Most of you probably thought this was dropped or something; much like With Karin actually was (or so it feels like at the moment). This volume was really planned to be released well before christmas, but after burning myself out a bit (burning out very slowly; I quote myself of calling it "slowly dying like a starving cow on an electric fence"), moving to a new place, and then after christmas break taking part in a larger programming project at the university, I sort of lost the momentum. But now, after some time has passed, I've started coming back to som sub-normal patterns, and decided to finish this off and at least release the second volume about one year after the first one was released (sheesh, was it really a year? It never felt that long... feels like it was just a couple of months ago to me) Anyway, this volume has a bit more of a buildup on the family drama aspect. I really, very much liked this volume and its poetic feel, and I promise the third (and final) will be released eventually. So don't give up on it. I have translated quite a bit of that volume already, in case you wondered. If you want me to released one chapter at a time instead of a whole volume, you might consider not bothering to tell me, since I won't listen. I really want this to be volume-wise, even though it can feel a bit slower. But if you want or wonder anything else, then don't hesitate to ask. And by the way, if there are any of you here who've read Hotman, you might be interested to know that the next volume will bring a remarkable connection between the two worlds. I've always wanted to edit Hotman, but seems my fellows over at Null has that covered, and besides, I'm not sure I want to work on as much scanlation the whole time as I used to. Come join our channel and download this volume from the usual whorebot. The packnumber should be in the topic. This release is dedicated to unfoo, who never gets what he wants ;P Tokyopop Licensed GU+ June 18 2007 - posted by Floating_Sakura ANN brings us the news that .Hack//GU+ has now been licensed by Tokyopop, with a planned release date of Feb. 12, 2008. If you enjoy the series, please support the authors and buy the book when it comes out. All .Hack//GU+ chapters will be taken down from the server in the next day or so. We will continue to release .Hack//XXXX until the title gets licensed. Thanks for the support. (Oh, and if you are wondering where we are in terms of tankoubon, we are a bit over half way of Volume 2 in GU+) No Moar Pani Poni... June 11 2007 - posted by coriolis Well, for a while anyways. J3llo, our Proofer and QC'er from EBL is going to the land down under for a month, and our translator, Achrmaeiad is still in Japan and won't be back for a few weeks. Therefore, Pani Poni will be slowing down until late August. Oh well, a shame really. Ichijou has magic hands this chapter, and upcoming, Ichijou-imouto will make an appearnace soon, but it won't be for a while! :( To get this chapter, come to our IRC channel #thewafflehouse and get it off Rui, pack number #171! Moar Pani Poni June 10 2007 - posted by coriolis Another chapter of Pani Poni, chapter 17, and in this chapter, heat = insanity! To get this chapter, come to our IRC channel #thewafflehouse and get it off Rui, pack number #170! Happy Birthday, Shinju! June 9 2007 - posted by Floating_Sakura Today's actually Shinju's birthday, so we figured we'd release a chapter of Toriko. Her birthday chapter is actually 2 chapters away, but since we aren't that far into the translation yet, you won't get it until later. Moar Pani Poni June 9 2007 - posted by coriolis Another chapter of Pani Poni, chapter 16! =) Expect Chapters 17 and 18 soon, Achr, who translates Pani Poni recently went on vacation to Japan, lucky guy! We hope he has fun, cause we're stuck back here with the scripts of c17 and c18. To get this chapter, come to our IRC channel #thewafflehouse and get it off Rui. The Conclusion to Deep Love May 20 2007 - posted by Floating_Sakura Well, the reason chapter 3 took so long was because we had to wait for bwys to finish scanlating volume 2 of Host so we won't be spoiling any parts of the story for you! Anyhow, now that that's done, this concludes the epic series of Deep Love. Oh, this is also our first completed project. How should we celebrate? Come to our IRC channel #thewafflehouse and download the release off Waffle|Rui. Oh, also I realized that bwys never zip the covers to ch 1 of Reina no Unmei. I have added them to chapter 3 zip. ^^ And it's back May 16 2007 - posted by coriolis The chapters been sitting there for quite a long time(my fault really), but its finally done. There are only a few more chapters in the series(1 volume long). We're still looking for staff as well.
Shounen (with furigana) ・Jinki
Seinen (no furigana) ・Mousou Shoujo Otakukei ・Speed Grapher
Shoujo (has furigana) ・Jigoku Shoujo ・Fun Fun Factory
Adult (no furigana) ・Taiyou ga Ochite Kuru:
・Jinki ・.hack (GU+, XXXX, and/or GnU)
You want more loli smut... May 14 2007 - posted by Floating_Sakura The broken link to Fairy Cube ch15-17 are fixed. Thanks for letting me know! Toriko ch 11 will be on IRC on Waffle|rui, enjoy. When TWH decides to pick up Yaoi... May 13 2007 - posted by Floating_Sakura We've been wondering for a long time, how come we have each and every one of the genres, besides Boys Love? So we decided to pick one up... a Boys Love series that boys and girls can enjoy alike! Don't believe me? Well, this is a seinen comedy serialized in Comic High! about a highly hallucinated yaoi fangirl! The reality does not matter when she keeps seeing, before her eyes, her own yaoi scnerios and inspirations! How should I put it... I guess you can say, this is a story that the yaoi fangirls can relate to, and everyone else can get a good laugh at all the situation she puts herself into. As usual, download is on Waffle|Rui. Please enjoy! Oh, and Pani Poni starts Volume 2, a joint project with Eternal Bunny Love! Edit: Fairy Cube ch 15-17 is on http now. Also, recruiting Mousou Shoujo translator, since I agree to take up this project temporarily until cori finds a translator. Email cori at baka.coriolis@gmail.com The Dramatic Climax for Fairy Cube April 30, 2007 - posted by Floating_Sakura Thank you for waiting! We are now one chapter from finishing! I've been SOOOO absent from TWH, my apologies. m(_ _)m Real Life hasn't been nice to me. Over the course of my absense, it seems like: By the way, it was never my intension to leave you guys half hanging before the final chapter. It's just... the last chapter is slightly longer (45 pages instead of the usual 25) and I was slightly unmotivated to do them months ago when I translated 15-17. However, I managed to complete it last night (now it's up to Estan and Maris to get that last chapter done). After Fairy Cube, we'll be doing Psycho Knocker, which is somewhat a continuation from FC. It's just a one shot though. After that, who knows? Ludwig Revolution is a bit tentitive, but nothing's for sure. Releases will be on Waffle|Rui on IRC. I'm uploading the rest of Volume 2 to http as we speak (give it an hour or so if it's not there.... it will be.) Enjoy!!! CLANNAD Movie Teaser + Promos April 29 2007, 2007 - posted by Velocity7 From Velocity7 and Sprocket Hole Subs is the CLANNAD movie teaser and promos! Find the releases at the BT Tracker, . They will be on Rui in our channel at #thewafflehouse. Enjoy!!! Pani Poni v01 c13 + c14 + specials April 28 2007, 2007 - posted by coriolis Yay, volume 1 is completed! Special thanks to Juliana*~ for helping translate parts of chapter 14! Find the release on Rui in our channel or at EBL's channel at #thewafflehouse and #eternalbunnylove. In addition, we're in need of staff, translators, editors, proofers, QC'ers with experience is always welcomed :) A continuation from the past few weeks, we have still yet to find vol2 of PP in Tanko's(We did find one place, but it was really expensive). We will get PP v2 though, Achr is heading to Japan in June, he'll pick it up there, but that will be in June. We can either wait til then(I got other projects working on....kyahh :D) or if someone can find vol2 for a reasonable price online(or in store, we'll compensate you), please contact us, either in our IRC channel, or email me at baka.coriolis @ gmail.com Pani Poni v01 c12, Exams weeks April 16 2007, 2007 - posted by coriolis Okay, not 1 more chapter left, a few more....and the bonuses :p Find the release on Rui in our channel or at EBL's channel at #thewafflehouse and #eternalbunnylove. In addition, we're in need of staff, translators, editors, proofers, QC'ers with experience is always welcomed :) A continuation, some bad news. We have still yet to find vol2 of PP in Tanko's, so that may delay. If you haven't noticed, Kanon is now done, a great round of applaud to velocity7 :) CLANNAD next? :D Pani Poni v01 c11, Easter Weekend, yey~! April 6 2007, 2007 - posted by coriolis Only 1 chapters left and a omake until the end of Volume 1! Find the release on Rui in our channel or at EBL's channel at #thewafflehouse and #eternalbunnylove. In addition, we're in need of staff, translators, editors, proofers, QC'ers with experience is always welcomed :) Sweet, copy paste LOL! But yea, thanks to Achr being bored in class, and me procrastinating, we whipped up this chapter! Ichijou FTW! Oh, some bad news as well. Our raws for Volume 2 of Pani Poni turned out pretty bad, so it looks like we need to order the raws, so there may be a huge delay when we reease volume 2. Sorry! Unless someone can find PP v2 in the Toronto area, I've looked, but nothing... Pani Poni v01 c10 April 4 2007, 2007 - posted by coriolis Only 2 chapters left and a omake until the end of Volume 1! Find the release on Rui in our channel or at EBL's channel at #thewafflehouse and #eternalbunnylove. In addition, we're in need of staff, translators, editors, proofers, QC'ers with experience is always welcomed :) Pani Poni v01 c09 March 22, 2007 - posted by coriolis Another slow release from us and EBL, oh well, its all good :). Not much to say but there is just 3 chapters left and a omake. Find the release on Rui in our channel or at EBL's channel at #thewafflehouse and #eternalbunnylove. Sorry for the slow releases, we have a few coming up, as well as a few projects finishing soon. In addition, we will probably drop a few projects due to lack of staff, interest and/or other issues. Nothing major....I hope ;) CLANNAD TV Anime Promotion March 18, 2007 - posted by velocity7 Yup, you read that right. Please grab it either at the Tracker, or locally download it here. Enjoy! :) P.S. Video is 1280x720, h264 format, in a Matroska file. Please use CCCP, thanks! Happy St. Patrick's Day March 17 2007 - posted by Floating_Sakura The staff, namely Estan, Maris and I (mostly Estan) wants to share our fangirlness with you: Okay, that's it. Enjoy! Then come to our IRC channel and girl fangirl with us with the latest chapters! <3 kanon at the end of the dream March 16, 2007 - posted by Velocity_7 Wow, this website hasn't been updated in a while either. Hmm... Anyways, it's at the usual tracker, so get your fix while you can. All the other episodes before 24 were released, but I haven't had time t>o come here either to update, sadly. ^^; This series is OFFICIALLY DONE! Yay! What anime project will we do next? Not sure yet. Keep your eyes peeled though, as we are still doing the CLANNAD Game Translation Project! Of course, if a new translator who's willing to work with us come 2008 shows up, I'm sure we wouldn't mind doing CLANNAD TV... ;) A Special Valentine's Day Delivery February 14, 2007, 2007 - posted by Floating_Sakura No weird Floating_Sakura lost in waffleland release this year (that's still around, if you are wondering what it is). Raison went MIA, and we were supposed to release the rest of Toriko Volume 3 for V-day, so we didn't have anything to release for vday last minute. Maris was a little disappointed so I showed her the scans for this one shot that I scanned long ago that I really loved, and asked her if we wanted to do it. "YEAHHHHH!," and that was all it took. Four days later, we've translated, edited and QCed the entire chapter and is ready to deliver it out the door. (Maris and I work so well together, hehehe~ You just have to love us!) Important Note: This chapter of manga contains a VERY SPECIAL little gift from me and Maris at the end of the chapter. It may be a bit sexually explicit, but it's not hentai or anything. Well, you'll just have to find out what it is. ^_~ I hope this can be useful to some of you, or satisfied the curiosity for the other curious girls (and boys?) out there. Edit: Oh, Maris didn't give out description on where our little "omake" come from. You may want to read about that in my blog. (Maris really wanted her innocent corrupted and was nagging me to translate it, so I did. I had to get help with a couple fella who insisted on remaining anonymous. Silly Japanese guys aren't ashamed of reading p0rn in public, but get embarrassed when explaining male anatomy to me. pfft!) Valentine's Day Release is on IRC only (that's because we insist you come in and say Happy Valentine's Day to me and Maris and the rest of the staff). I'm uploading Fun Fun Factory Volume 1 and Fairy Cube Volume 2 Chapter 8-10 on http as we speak (uh, may take a bit of time since my upload speed isn't that great, but keep checking back). An Entire Volume of Sugar and Magic! February 5, 2007, 2007 - posted by Floating_Sakura Mmm. Why was FFF in stalled for so long? Well, raxiv decided that that project is cursed, since it kills his PC every time he tries editing it, and mostly I wasn't happy with the raw I had, so I got new ones. Anyhow, so we bring you an entire volume of High Quality goodiness! The first two chapters that we've released are re-edit, scripts are rewritten, scans are rescanned. So yup, grab it. To make sure that everyone grab our new release and kill the old one, I decided that I am going to release this in one big zip of volume. So enjoy! (Release on Waffle|Rui as usual) An Important note though: If you have our previous release of the first two chapters of FFF, please delete it, kill it, eat it, burn it or destroy it (especially if you're distributing it); I don't want that circulating around anymore, thanks. .Hack//XXXX ch 2, GU+ ch 6, 4 koma ch 5, Toriko ch 10 uploaded on http. Happy Birthday, Shiori-chan! February 1, 2007 - posted by velocity7 Again, this release is available at the Sprocket Tracker. Also, we're looking for people to help out with editing, translation, programming, or graphics editing for the Clannad Translation Project. If you want to learn more, visit our website and join us at the Baka-Tsuki wiki! More Fairy Tale Goodiness! January 31, 2007 - posted by Floating_Sakura A few news announcements: 1. We declare Maris our official editing goddess. Please send her all your bishies as offerings so we can have more releases! 2. You leechers are pervs! Putting TgOK to http has put our bandwidth usage to its max in the last few days. I've had to download p0rn from our staff ftp (located on the same server) at incredibly slow speed! Stop stealing my p0rn bandwidth people. (Oh, totally not joking about the p0rn ftp thing.) Join the staff, get access to hundreds of GB of p0rn (no, not exaggerating about that part either). We're desperate for translators for Jinki, Speed Grapher and any projects that haven't had a release in a long time. Email me at floatingsakura_AT_gmail.com 3. I was going to put .hack releases on http, but seeing as how our bandwidth is being used to its max, it will have to wait a few more days, probably until the next release. Sorry, blame those perv coming here for the H. 4. If you haven't seen Pan's Labyrinth, go see it! I definitely think anyone who enjoys Fairy Cube will definitely like that movie! My Review. 5. Back to the point, FC releases are on Waffle|rui on IRC and Maris is the official TWH Goddess. Triple HQ Release January 30, 2007 - posted by velocity7 All releases are available at the Tracker, enjoy. :) A .Hack Day January 28, 2007 - posted by Floating_Sakura We're back... a little too soon, perhaps? I'm a little too lazy to scan and upload volume 6 of GU The World right now, so project page won't be updated until we release on http (probably in a few days). See, I've been QCing .hack GU+ since ch 1, so I've read through every single chapter, but for some reasons, I do not understand the story at all! Would someone like to enlighten me on what's going on? I'm suspecting you have to read it simultaneously with .hack//GU? or maybe I'm just dumb*~ T_T Anyhow, release is on waffle|rui on IRC, come and chat with us while you leech. Taiyou ga Ochite Kuru ch 6 and 7 is up on http. Oh, and on a very VERY unrelated note, I'm surprised to see that Taiyou ga Ochite Kuru has become our most popular project, beating .hack (in download numbers) by quite a couple hundred in just a few days (yes, you pervs!). Kanon 17 LQ January 26, 2007 - posted by velocity7 Kanon 17 LQ is available at the Tracker. Long Unreleased Project January 24, 2007 - posted by Floating_Sakura The project that I get asked constantly for release (other than .hack) is this. Taiyou ga Ochite Kuru. Why? I have absolutely no clue. Perhaps due to Haru yo, Koi (I lost my little editing shota to that, but that should be coming). Anyhow, enjoy. I'm really lacking sleep these days. I'm sacrificing sleep to release right now, but I'll be putting the .hack releases on http in a bit, when I wake up. Enjoy. Clannad Announcement January 24, 2007 - posted by velocity7 Yup, you read that right. Due to the original project being abandoned, I've resurrected it and made it an open collaboration. You can see the current progress here. Maybe we'll look forward to seeing you work on the project for us as well? ;) Kanon 16 LQ January 19, 2007 - posted by velocity7 Kanon 16 LQ is available at the Tracker. We're on a roll...? January 16, 2007 - posted by Floating_Sakura It seems that we have more releases in January than any other months. Why is that? Hmmm hmmm... Well, I guess everyone feel like working harder over the new year. You have all the staff (but me) to thanks. I've been a little too busy with school since it started last week. Maris especially is an editholic. So you have her to thanks for all your Toriko and Fairy Cube Goodness. Ahh, also welcome Estan to the staff. I was mumbling on the channel one day how all the proofers went MIA, and god sent me Estan. Say hi to her on the channel and be nice to her! I've been less lazy lately and actually somewhat keep up to our http archive. Chapter 5-7 of Fairy Cube is on http for you to download. Some .Hack Releases January 14, 2007 - posted by Floating_Sakura How long has it been since we've released some .hack? ...A long time... I hope you're not all too busy playing the GU game to read our releases. Well, this was supposed to be a New Year release, but I couldn't release due to my laptop adaptor died (yes, again). So here it is, and happy new year. Also, welcome Ciaxsjes on the team. She will be our editor for .Hack//GU+ ^_^ I've put Toriko ch 9 and Jinki ch 6 on http, but the new .hack will be on IRC only for the time being. Also, looking for Japanese->English translators for any of our projects that's not being released lately. Particularly Speed Grapher (but others as well). Email me at floatingsakura(AT)gmail.com if you're interested. Kanon 15 LQ January 12, 2007 - posted by velocity7 Kanon 15 LQ is available at the Tracker. Happy Birthday Ayu, Makoto (Kanon) January 8, 2007 - posted by velocity7 Previous Releases: Kanon 7-12 LQ/HQ And a Happy New Year to all! Ayu's birthday was on January 7, while Makoto's was on January 6. Go figure. ;) I've also scanlated JINKI chapter 6, which has been delayed for quite some time now. Enjoy the mecha action that brought this place to life once again! JINKI c6 is available via our IRC XDCC bot, while the HQ releases are available via the Tracker. |
The Waffle House (c) 2005. Website created by Kuris. Original waffle photo. |